Domestic WorkersHow do I qualify as a domestic worker in a private household?
To meet the requirements you must:

  • Be aged 18-65 inclusive
  • Have been employed under the same roof as your employer for one year or more immediately prior to your application, or
  • Have been employed in a household that your employer uses on a regular basis for themselves for one year or more immediately prior to your application, and show evidence that there is a connection between you and your employer
  • Intend to travel to the UK in the company of your employer, your employer’s spouse or your employer’s minor child
  • Intend to work full-time as a domestic worker in the same dwelling as your employer
  • Be able to maintain and accommodate yourself adequately, as certified by your employer, without recourse to public funds

Domestic workers include chauffeurs, gardeners, cooks and nannies if you are providing a personal service relating to the running of your employer’s household.

Do I need a work permit?
You are not required to obtain a work permit if you are a domestic worker in a private household. You must meet the requirements set out above.

You will need to obtain a visa before you travel to the UK

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