Australian Working Holiday Visa: 

The Working Holiday Program provides a once in a lifetime opportunity for people between 18 and 30 from certain countries to holiday in Australia, and make money to addition their travel funds. This means you can do job and travel in Australia for up to 12 months.


In order to meet the decisive factor for a Working Holiday Visa, you must be between 18-30 years old and you must hold a passport from a country which has a mutual arrangement with Australia.

This type of visa gives permission you to supplement the costs of your holiday through incidental employment. If your primary reason for traveling to Australia is to contribute in the work force, you should consider a Visa designed for that purpose.

In order to qualify for a Working Holiday Visa, applicants must hold a passport from one of the following countries:

The United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan, Ireland, South Korea, Malta, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Finland, the Republic of Cyprus, Italy, France and Estonia.

Basic requirements

To be eligible, candidates require meeting the following requirements:

  • hold a passport issued by an eligible country or region
  • be aged between 18 and 30 (inclusive) at the time of applying
  • Not have accompanying dependent children
  • meet health, character and financial requirements
  • Not have previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday visa (unless applying for a second visa see ‘Second Working Holiday visa’ below)
  • be outside Australia when applying (and when the visa is granted)

Note: Unless applying for a second visa, see ‘Second Working Holiday visa’.

  • apply within 12 months of intended travel to Australia.

Visa Cost:

You must pay a non-refundable visa application charge when you lodge your visa application.

See: Working Holiday Visa Charges

More information

More information on the Working Holiday visas is available from departmental offices.

Further information is available on the department’s web site.


The department also operates a national telephone service inquiry line.

Telephone: 131 881

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm (recorded information available outside these hours) for the cost of a local call anywhere in Australia.

By admin

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